Monday, April 6, 2009


I hear fluttering in the skies,
What is that I see?
I hear chirping from the trees,
It makes my spirit flee.
Oh what beauty and colour ,
The beast makes a magnificent flutter.

Birds that light up the sky,
We see them soar and fly.
We have eagles, owls and even roosters,
But sadly they are being tormented because of these shooters!

In the forest at night,
Where darkness is all in sight,
We hear the beauty singing,
As the owls are all hooting.

Birds that light up the sky,
We see them soar and fly.
Hummingbirds, peacocks and even hawks,
It's what keeps us alive, they rock my sawks!

Copied from :-



Anonymous said...

Salam ziarah... Jom ziarah blog kami...